I'm Still Here

I haven't been on much lately, but have a few posts floating around in my head which I hope to share this weekend. For now, I wanted to share the best sign I have ever seen:

I absolutely LOVE chocolate dipped strawberries and enjoyed the one my husband bought for me from this wonderful little shop in Dahlonega - Paul Thomas Chocolates. More pictures to come from our trip to the North Georgia mountains last Friday. We had a blast!!


Wendy Blight said...

Thanks for following my blog. God put you on my heart today, and I wanted to stop by and say hi!!

I love chocolate, and I love strawberries, but I have never been a fan of fruit and chocolate together in any form. However, I must say that I am in the MINORITY because everywhere I go this Christmas season there are chocolate dipped strawberries and everyone LOVES them...including my own family. In fact, I have a few in my fridge right now that I brought home from a Bible study brunch to share with my family.

Praying all is well with you and that you ENJOY a blessed and joyous Christmas season.

