We Need the Process

In a book that I am reading for a Bible study there are a few thoughts that really meant a lot to me. There will probably be many things talked about on here in the next 3-4 months as the Lord is able to use this study to change my life.

The first thing is a prayer that she puts at the end of the first chapter. The prayer is as follows:

Lord Jesus, I give You my life.
I invite You to have Your way in me.
Take me and break me. Shake me and make me.
Fill me and spill me. Change me and rearrange me.
But whatever You do, Lord. . . don't leave me the same.
Spirit of wisdom and revelation, I welcome Your work.
Open my eyes so I can see. . . my ears so I can hear. . .
I choose truth over comfort, challenge over complacency.
Lord, make me forever Yours.
And most of all, make me like You.

This is not an easy thing to pray, but a good model to use if you are looking for long lasting change to happen in your life. The sentence in the first two chapters of this book that stood out to me the most was: "The Lord knows that we need the process as much as we need the product." Without the process we are not changed, lessons are not learned, consequences are never there to learn from and remind you of how the Lord is changing and needs to change your life. We need to thank the Lord for the process that He puts us through in order to be changed to be more like Him, which should be every Christians ultimate goal.